本帖最后由 原始人 于 2024-9-17 22:12 编辑西部高校崛起,前20位高校中四川大学,西北工业扩容超过3倍
https://bbs.netbig.top/data/attachment/forum/202409/17/211636ybz3une6fellclc6.jpg 估计大部分都是搞材料,应该是材料指数排名? 板凳一下:) 叮咚叮咚 发表于 2024-9-17 21:24
工医占了很大比重 啥叫全周期 原始人 发表于 2024-9-17 21:59
没有脱衣版吗 蓝色天空 发表于 2024-9-17 22:19
Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing 8433
Neurology & Neurosurgery 7146
Oncology & Carcinogenesis 6950
General & Internal Medicine 6922
Energy 6672
Applied Physics 6542
Materials 6383
Cardiovascular System & Hematology 4663
Networking & Telecommunications 4404
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 4378
Microbiology 4265
Nanoscience & Nanotechnology 3751
Plant Biology & Botany 3678
Organic Chemistry 3620
Nuclear & Particle Physics 3310
Immunology 3273
Pharmacology & Pharmacy 3131
Developmental Biology 3084
Mechanical Engineering & Transports 3071
Surgery 2805
Optoelectronics & Photonics 2668
Analytical Chemistry 2606
Electrical & Electronic Engineering 2556
Polymers 2473
Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging 2471
Environmental Sciences 2422
Industrial Engineering & Automation 2404
Chemical Physics 2302
Medicinal & Biomolecular Chemistry 2268
Business & Management 2188
Gastroenterology & Hepatology 2152
Geochemistry & Geophysics 2071
Education 2029
Obstetrics & Reproductive Medicine 2015
Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences 1923
Ecology 1908
Endocrinology & Metabolism 1903
Dentistry 1885
Urology & Nephrology 1810
Food Science 1774
Orthopedics 1738
Agronomy & Agriculture 1716
Psychiatry 1682
Optics 1678
Chemical Engineering 1674
General Physics 1669
Inorganic & Nuclear Chemistry 1645
Ophthalmology & Optometry 1610
Pediatrics 1549
General Mathematics 1510
Virology 1501
Dairy & Animal Science 1498
Geological & Geomatics Engineering 1458
Public Health 1458
Astronomy & Astrophysics 1432
Biomedical Engineering 1393
Respiratory System 1374
Toxicology 1374
Veterinary Sciences 1331
Biotechnology 1328
Nursing 1284
Environmental Engineering 1278
Aerospace & Aeronautics 1272
Economics 1255
Civil Engineering 1252
Dermatology & Venereal Diseases 1220
Experimental Psychology 1213
Fluids & Plasmas 1141
General Chemistry 1137
Social Psychology 1091
Nutrition & Dietetics 1081
Anesthesiology 1067
Marine Biology & Hydrobiology 1066
Otorhinolaryngology 1051
Building & Construction 920
Fisheries 881
Physical Chemistry 844
Arthritis & Rheumatology 837
Emergency & Critical Care Medicine 821
Genetics & Heredity 820
Political Science & Public Administration 807
Tropical Medicine 788
Entomology 774
Acoustics 753
Mining & Metallurgy 744
Sport Sciences 722
Forestry 708
Developmental & Child Psychology 686
Evolutionary Biology 637
Operations Research 620
Rehabilitation 610
Logistics & Transportation 608
Marketing 590
Mycology & Parasitology 587
Physiology 536
Geography 529
Strategic, Defence & Security Studies 525
Pathology 512
Statistics & Probability 490
General Clinical Medicine 484
Paleontology 483
Software Engineering 475
Applied Mathematics 469
Sociology 462
Bioinformatics 461
Health Policy & Services 453
Languages & Linguistics 447
Sport, Leisure & Tourism 441
Computation Theory & Mathematics 426
Biophysics 420
Communication & Media Studies 416
Computer Hardware & Architecture 411
Zoology 400
Clinical Psychology 395
Finance 394
Archaeology 380
Information Systems 380
Literary Studies 377
Medical Informatics 377
Allergy 376
Geology 362
History 356
Numerical & Computational Mathematics 356
Substance Abuse 348
Oceanography 338
Information & Library Sciences 316
Human Factors 313
Environmental & Occupational Health 307
Urban & Regional Planning 306
Legal & Forensic Medicine 303
Law 302
Complementary & Alternative Medicine 294
Criminology 273
Philosophy 268
Behavioral Science & Comparative Psychology 264
Geriatrics 263
Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology 258
Design Practice & Management 240
Gerontology 238
Religions & Theology 225
Distributed Computing 209
Accounting 205
Epidemiology 201
Anthropology 196
International Relations 179
Social Work 179
Cultural Studies 170
Anatomy & Morphology 168
Mathematical Physics 140
Science Studies 138
Social Sciences Methods 137
Applied Ethics 135
Agricultural Economics & Policy 133
Ornithology 132
Horticulture 117
Development Studies 106
Econometrics 86
Microscopy 83
General Psychology & Cognitive Sciences 80
Demography 79
Psychoanalysis 78
Family Studies 76
Music 76
Classics 73
History of Science, Technology & Medicine 66
Gender Studies 56
Art Practice, History & Theory 54
Industrial Relations 50
History of Social Sciences 47
Automobile Design & Engineering 45
Architecture 39
Economic Theory 36
Drama & Theater 27
Folklore 15
本帖最后由 原始人 于 2024-9-17 23:17 编辑
congyun 发表于 2024-9-17 22:54
医药分类太多,不好脱 100名以后的名单可有? 文科强校,在此榜上有点吃亏。 劲松实绩终于+1 建议学校闭门会议形式通知各院系学习先进单位经验,全面加强校内论文互引,将论文本单位自引率提高至全国平均水平,带动涌现一批新的高被引学者 还是人工智能比较多,比较好水文章 北京工业大学榜上无名? 新工科,医学,未来刷分的主力。 原始人 发表于 2024-9-17 23:09
二三四为神经、肿瘤、内科 ,心血管 都去掉看下呢 congyun 发表于 2024-9-17 22:54
单年为啥比全周期的多? 又一个清、北、浙、(上)交、(华)科前五的榜单。 种种迹象表明,华科已经不声不响来到前五的位置。那些整天牛皮哄哄不服气的衰校,别搞得像个末期罗马一样,突然发现自己完蛋了,他并不是被征服的,而是世界悄悄地不属于他了 华科的科研数据都很强 华科的科研数据很强 大学专业 发表于 2024-9-18 10:33
中国的高校多半是最近十几年刷起来的,看单年肯定多 中科大落后于华中科大了