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5 }. Q/ B# R2 K# u
; k8 u; C$ J  [8 ^& m9 V- K
) z# A+ f1 F  \; }0 y
7 C. R# \. i! |/ e" T( b) t0 t
Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg% l: g# J* `% A
ACS Cent. Sci.
) b9 `$ w, e0 W' ?$ C9 ?- k( dActa Applicandae Mathematicae  O! O3 N! \: p' [
Acta Arithmetica 3
% z" ?0 b: l  e6 PActa Mathematica Hungarica 2
: ]2 p7 ^. B6 E" ~( A; _/ j! _1 LActa Mathematica Scientia 5
, q2 i0 [- m  Y3 CActa Mathematica Sinica, English Series 13
2 T7 S! N8 e! WActa Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series 23 i: L$ [9 ~) x" J9 v; x0 Q4 U
Acta Neuropathologica2 P: [; ~, o. }7 q: \7 A  _
Advanced Nonlinear Studies 5  @. R# W" Z5 U' [0 s( f
Advances in Applied Mathematics 9* U% v4 w& T3 L
Advances in Computational Mathematics  4  N! w0 f& l5 }# |2 O
Advances in Computational Mathematics0 X7 d# l- K2 J- Q' A/ m
Advances in Difference Equations 3. _+ m9 F  K% o
Advances in Geometry 1) G- L( u/ o  x
Advances in Mathematics of Communications  4
: R3 k, J9 x" M# z4 n6 }1 TAdvances in Mathematics 13
7 F# h" s; t+ Y/ V6 }Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 3
6 P2 L4 r6 P* Q& o8 vAdvances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics$ V' y; h& x; ^: e% K6 i
Algebra Colloquium  i9 m/ Z( a8 U, {- E
Algebras and Representation Theory 3) V9 C' P8 Q3 `9 G4 w
Analysis and Applications; k; }- a. E2 l, y
Ann. Appl. Probab." F  I7 o" \8 v8 k* J0 v
Ann. Probab. 2
$ O7 q% r" P+ u4 Y; X0 aAnn. Statist.
* R+ G8 S. a9 F4 Z9 eAnnales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse non linéaire
. ~% r8 K* t* L. D7 CAnnales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques2 t% }: [% B/ [/ E5 G, k2 y( O
Annales Henri Poincaré 21 c8 |9 V8 K! b
Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 36 x0 o7 M4 @$ z  ~1 \
Annals of Combinatorics% o4 v5 n! P$ @/ l
Annals of Functional Analysis 50 V( C% f+ k5 ]9 ^4 i0 b
Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 2
3 x, M. u0 P/ R! W' M! j! `Annals of Mathematics3 o3 s" `" J. W$ X- u
Annals of Operations Research
, y3 {* O5 v! B, ~, NAnnals of Physics 30 F! r& Q: n" A7 e2 |; ~! C
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic
' H+ o6 U; d7 f5 qApJ
* J- [$ s7 n" b% hApplicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 8
8 i5 h1 i) O9 k; R- RApplied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 3
Applied Categorical Structures
: X5 c2 P. U1 RApplied Mathematics & Optimization) R1 L( u6 U0 v9 D- E. i
Applied Mathematics and Computation 23
4 E* O! x% X& l. n7 c+ [9 qApplied Mathematics Letters 4
Archiv der Mathematik 4, P# g8 B! `/ o5 t0 a/ a
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 3
, y  r' `  q. ^' B3 ZArs Combinatoria 15
' A5 W& o: e" D0 [8 h/ t; k( F% S( I2 F. zAStA Advances in Statistical Analysis
* O8 v% C! k* D- K: ZASTIN Bulletin
, s' C4 o+ P) v! p* z3 |6 L) OAsymptotic Analysis# ?1 }& X5 `1 t3 t. E
Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis
( d8 U8 X) ~/ v$ P6 [! [Bernoulli. x! N) Y# g9 H, a; x0 }
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics
5 q& F" T( _+ P6 N: U' R0 h' }( }Bioinformatics 148 k2 ]- p% S1 h# M
BioMed Research International+ T4 k8 [$ ?  Z4 c6 k
Biometrika 2% \) g# u4 @0 \0 o+ o$ U
Biomolecules0 o# A/ W2 }  W5 t/ N; E, M0 n
Bioresource Technology
; Y& l1 |5 i* {BMC Bioinformatics9 B" {& M- w4 k) B5 T% I( B* t8 G7 b
BMC Medical Genomics# d3 t9 _0 A( H0 W  }7 d2 q
BMC Medical Research Methodology! Q( D* L+ F6 T9 c
Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana
' |% K) a8 [4 Z+ ?! jBoundary Value Problems 2
0 d/ M2 q3 o! G3 LBrazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics
) y( _& c6 d1 b" C2 E. [Briefings in Bioinformatics 2
7 R; b6 U* m( C3 ?8 }4 uBulletin of Mathematical Biology 2( S* \( g( W% @) f5 M8 O8 E8 d
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 3: J% p) Q3 P) ]# }5 Z8 X1 z3 Z9 k. i
Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 3
! T) b- B+ z, x; W+ b. yBulletin of the London Mathematical Society 2
5 d" j2 u' r7 z# [6 LBulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society 13
; i8 M' U7 P, G! vCalculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 107 D5 u5 E( y0 z0 ?2 d1 n% @+ F1 R
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 37 m0 P9 v0 O( {2 r, u2 N
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 2, G. u& p& d; U; h" q- J: j
* @) a! W5 R, ~Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B 6. u3 x6 s4 B3 P8 Q: O( A
Chinese Journal of Electronics 2
0 t9 c1 C0 ]0 s) ?Chinese Journal of Physics
2 z, Q( Y3 b# A7 J/ ~6 ]Chinese Phys. B& \% O) v7 {4 J% Z7 Z8 E5 v
Chinese Phys. Lett. 5# s4 S$ ?/ K/ W$ D9 L2 q: R6 A, O
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing
+ k7 Z, }" O+ [6 e# eCluster Computing
7 J/ p& f. q1 M) Z% JColloquium Mathematicum 3
) A# {0 G" {4 z& eCombinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening
! b$ `& Z' e6 n) rCombinatorics, Probability and Computing
Commun. Theor. Phys.! w# u5 L7 P9 ~
Communications in Algebra 3
. ~- ~; r! T! H$ k8 C/ o1 L( NCommunications in Analysis and Geometry
+ b5 Q1 i9 v& C8 Z0 NCommunications in Computational Physics  s9 B. W: ~- \6 z
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics  6& q5 B% j7 t. Q& P
Communications in Mathematical Physics 5* X& B0 ^+ J" d" k
Communications in Mathematical Sciences 2
5 T* |8 u" y5 P; CCommunications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation  6
& o6 ?; B2 E% d; ECommunications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 15
. k5 U* }6 F7 k5 g+ ?Communications on Pure & Applied Analysis 5  @8 o5 [1 b8 q  H$ T
Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations$ d" B8 n2 D/ O8 U
Complexity 2' _8 v+ h; t* \; |. ]: r# W
Comptes Rendus Mathematique 5
0 ~" D6 Z+ q6 E) c9 [+ Z7 c' `2 LComputational and Structural Biotechnology Journal
! L3 F# k- f0 BComputational Biology and Chemistry1 J" i+ H2 E. d. l2 P$ o  K
Computational Optimization and Applications 2
# h/ r# ~3 ~9 I8 t* DComputational Statistics & Data Analysis7 x' ^- q5 I* |0 Q# F# M
Computers & Industrial Engineering 2' C4 n$ L+ X+ |+ b+ g; I8 f
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2
# q0 N, Z0 m+ m; D% b, vCryptography and Communications  9) ]- r" a9 C# U4 x
Current Drug Targets 24 s% j+ n2 [+ B
Current Protein & Peptide Science
( `" h3 o' C$ L2 V/ oCurrent Protocols in Protein Science
. ], G1 x7 \3 f3 Q; m( U; W5 ~: X8 PCzechoslovak Mathematical Journal 3& O1 a. }3 T- _) ~  e- x6 l
& D( ?! [9 d0 y" ?" Q. ~Designs, Codes and Cryptography 4! F6 Z8 _$ W  P: d" p
Differential Geometry and its Applications 6! m. i! m: V' s, e$ K
Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - A 7
4 ]3 W" `5 P0 w( C! H( Y( zDiscrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - B
% |, B0 F* J9 a$ D  Z3 v. ^Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S
# V3 _0 x7 P' i* {: mDiscrete Applied Mathematics 18
2 s# q3 S9 ~9 K) ~' L4 R- X  FDiscrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 2
" |- m* u6 o6 B1 p9 }' jDiscrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 22 m  ]3 e7 I# x, V
Discrete Mathematics 31  M0 u: b, n( h! r# L
Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 13
( ]+ U- n3 Y* c9 M& F0 p+ ZDissertationes Mathematicae
* e1 ]( v; s5 C" z2 k( |2 J; cDoc. Math.
! d  ~2 X( h, rDuke Mathematical Journal/ t, S3 F- H+ k
East Asian J. Appl. Math.. h) D+ I( X2 [' K
Ecological Modelling1 U8 |7 a8 E2 s3 ]: B. K3 Z' m
Economics of Education Review
  X9 s! g% t1 T+ h1 DElectronic Journal of Linear Algebra 2
( p# k3 \( o$ L0 g( qElectronic Journal of Probability 3* q+ |/ a, l' x- G/ I  C! d, @
Electronics Letters 2
( ]7 D  U1 W) T: J1 V; a$ uEmerging Microbes & Infections
9 e6 e8 w% h' IEnergy Economics; K, p8 S3 {1 ]+ K0 F- K8 J
Entropy0 Q7 I% b% V7 e, u2 d3 ]& I
EPL" S5 h+ g$ M5 Y3 g" t( _3 v7 m& T
ESAIM: COCV* w; k) j" ~4 ?" S  N6 N* j9 C
European Journal of Combinatorics 5& U, U0 l) \1 F9 s
European Journal of Mathematics 2) B* x* v3 [2 q5 K, B( p
Extremes' [4 ~3 g' H! ^, S" w
Filomat 2
& h+ j" {) K0 X% FFinance and Stochastics
4 i0 m2 \$ L" N; `. xFinite Fields and Their Applications 10
5 d+ k0 y+ {4 o' S8 hFluid Phase Equilibria
2 x  I, \( P* mForum Mathematicum, A8 [* j' F8 n& I$ o
Front. Genet.7 L- c6 o" h2 G. Y6 y$ E' x; p4 [; @
Frontiers of Mathematics in China 13/ t+ {" [; `- F* M( ]% u: Z
Frontiers of Physics4 M; K2 G' X* z1 ^! x- O$ {# O
Future Generation Computer Systems
, f6 f1 e7 D7 MGenes
- {/ @3 E" n' S) k2 n/ w1 a$ NGeometriae Dedicata
) Y# T2 B2 l: z  ?) tGeometric and Functional Analysis 3
5 V4 a: v# E/ Z) PGraphs and Combinatorics  9
% i9 ~/ v  }6 e2 Z& ]Homology, Homotopy and Applications
0 T# G. {( u) U$ e  m5 B7 {' AHouston Journal of Mathematics 4
/ t2 j% U1 I& V) a3 k) B+ rIEEE Access4
. J. D$ ]" Z: M( L( K1 _$ ?IEEE Communications Letters
& a$ M9 v& c5 KIEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications+ |& ^. N0 C- u: b9 @# w
IEEE Transactions on Communications 2
! C) A  C# Z6 P5 n# c( L9 E, qIEEE Transactions on Image Processing 3
) g7 n/ @- _; Q* Q- \6 bIEEE Transactions on Information Theory 16
, `$ M8 z3 x. ]; M2 JIEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
5 _( P* Y& m7 h; w- J3 o4 j: f6 S" A9 zIEEE Transactions on Multimedia
- Q0 H+ \+ J( K9 s+ t! SIEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience 2
9 s7 i8 T/ ^" s" l7 ]; w2 eIEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 3) M5 U/ s4 U- Y8 ~7 J% j
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 28 ]) Z, l1 F: G$ H: D
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
3 J; l& x/ Y7 j: |0 I) t7 K% R$ hIEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences 12+ C8 x9 k. e, f" W. q  K. ~! z
IET Image Processing8 X; F, t, y7 C+ N! M# L* u
IET Information Security 2
  s2 H* w" p4 IIET Systems Biology4 ^' W; k  B* }; e: }+ A
Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
- `( i  y3 L8 y* A2 TIndiana Univ. Math. J. 2
9 z% [2 I4 ~0 @8 m6 m; G  VInfinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics% |, l6 e+ V! X) D  }" d
INFORMATICA7 ~5 ~( k8 h  }9 @
Information Processing Letters 2
3 F0 C9 R& _3 o: B0 }& FInformation Sciences 20 m# w' x+ N$ G- v3 q# E6 f
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 5
; L# B' l, G4 O7 `* WInt. J. Mol. Sci. 2
  l1 ~8 q) C0 b& f' e) bInternational Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, {# _6 r, X- D$ ]
International Journal of Computer Mathematics 43 c5 I+ x& E  q& E/ \# q
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 8
0 ^1 L9 V& E. x' f6 PInternational Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 2
# v  ?2 s2 b/ t1 x4 vInternational Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics
! L+ H  \7 s; ~0 ?. \& I4 m! VInternational Journal of Mathematics 5- v: w. d; S0 K% u# y
International Journal of Modern Physics A
2 h9 G" @$ h7 A: P3 [1 tInternational Journal of Modern Physics B
# ~9 r; t& \9 [International Journal of Number Theory 8
( S$ C" w: B7 Y% U1 Q$ NInternational Journal of Quantum Information 3/ Z. Z) Y' l+ {: o7 k& L; n- b" }
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance! e8 l2 U/ ?. o! `$ X. N
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 2
  T6 @: X$ i1 q$ M7 nInternational Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing 3+ I* P+ N% J% x$ g+ n- ]
International Mathematics Research Notices. C6 E1 o" n2 _, d3 G
International Statistical Review
; h% @/ Y4 l7 y0 Y8 fInventiones mathematicae
# S" h7 C6 s: o( }0 }5 h6 h( T# ~Inverse Problems & Imaging 4
; Q5 ~8 r0 D0 s- q: z0 D; NInverse Problems 7- t% r) n( E5 f; L! E- N) U
Israel Journal of Mathematics 34 T: G2 R8 d  I9 Y' a' {
J. Chem. Inf. Model.( v/ n% T, s' F3 F; E3 \& e6 B
J. Inst. Math. Jussieu
  G1 [# Q1 Q9 t) y  J2 ]( ?J. Korean Math. Soc.
5 p) O1 I+ |" ^1 i3 vJ. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. 2$ W8 y# F  r' h/ Q' V, x
J. Opt.
0 K+ @  e/ Y$ O$ eJ. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 2' C) X7 B! D- J; ~
J. Phys. Commun.$ \  C" {& r( {4 R, ]8 X
J. Stat. Mech.
2 D. \; p4 d& i1 A+ k6 U: A% @' }, [Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal)
; L7 c( p+ ~( [Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 3
+ h0 @  ?7 I$ D, `0 j4 [6 n# Q" AJournal of Algebra 4
( ~/ c! k- G* \3 R( @. D, _& \: bJournal of Algebraic Combinatorics4 O2 |: T6 M0 Q& w) m9 \' V
Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 3' r$ G* ~0 w6 z5 C
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 3
: e2 {# K" M3 v' d  sJournal of Applied Probability 3) |* n) n7 V! S1 A/ C
Journal of Applied Statistics
% i3 l4 k$ q6 ?Journal of Approximation Theory: ^) Q" q) D# }
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 17# _2 Y1 j; L! ?. ^; k
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 22 X3 w3 Z5 f0 n8 }$ L5 `
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B
2 I) D- K) a: a" A& w' |" h& KJournal of Complexity! y/ ]/ g  i, q/ c  [
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 69 S& P3 N8 r3 H/ `
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics4 s" Q% j, k# x
Journal of Computational Biology 2
7 F: |! V( x' _* kJournal of Computational Physics) K( @  s! Z8 I9 F$ @2 `
Journal of Differential Equations 13
" e8 t9 a/ V; y. n1 z, w& m# YJournal of Differential Geometry 2
6 }" {% d7 u% X& q4 g1 _Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography$ C. e; X7 p& f* P
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 5( q8 c2 N) v' Y
Journal of Financial Econometrics- C: Z. V3 b6 ?7 b
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 4
- K% O% u0 H5 [4 K: x3 tJournal of Fourier Analysis and Applications
2 z3 w2 r5 C* f6 J2 X, c  aJournal of Function Spaces% u1 I  p. A. v2 X* ~
Journal of Functional Analysis 8
: L7 J. I5 g. rJournal of Geometry and Physics 11: b( x; V7 [# P9 N! O& S9 E
Journal of Graph Theory 4
( y) M9 I5 ^/ k" n" z1 cJournal of Group Theory
( d: _& M6 I' u) d8 Y" AJournal of High Energy Physics9 r. j% A, I: c9 z4 ]; o) D
Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization 3
% \% q6 h, f0 _8 w/ }$ S8 KJournal of Inequalities and Applications 7
0 Z; T# g9 D7 i, u# k; S- _# aJournal of Lie Theory 3
! O4 i2 s7 ?% y0 Y+ W$ ~% g2 ~% \Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 18( `) J* C5 P* V/ T1 l% U' u, ^- R
Journal of Mathematical Biology& g+ Q% O. T6 c
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry2 T; ^* c, A+ q# ?8 b4 y+ R+ y
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
" G! O: S1 [; k; c' j' [Journal of Mathematical Physics 6
/ c$ H) @' z, l0 X( ]Journal of Modern Optics; i) [( J: Q" n" ~" F7 ?
Journal of Molecular Biology
' m/ h  E' \+ D* y! VJournal of Multivariate Analysis 5% {2 A; M2 v' a. |8 }, O* D
6 q! ^) m" a& Y' n2 Y# z8 sJournal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis 3
7 ?5 ~6 G+ a4 r( {# DJournal of Nonlinear Science
& R- t/ h  d1 j  \% cJournal of Nonparametric Statistics 35 V2 _' I$ F; X6 V& v% {/ ?! X
Journal of Number Theory 8( G( |9 X) S! X7 C$ M- A/ T
Journal of Operator Theory 2
, L( C/ `# I5 U: l4 t1 kJournal of Optimization Theory and Applications 4+ v0 e4 `+ ?& w% |3 a4 n" |9 U
Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications
! d- I0 u( {: E$ S  m) FJournal of Pure and Applied Algebra 45 v# @' p" }, X
Journal of Quality Technology 3+ M3 I3 f8 ^9 p3 U$ y! c
Journal of Scientific Computing 5/ }+ A/ G  S& G( }4 `
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 5% k8 W( h7 y) @
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 4
* m* O# B  D1 I" K0 W/ ^& }Journal of Systems Science and Complexity- W" l4 t  P! ~2 h6 N3 Q9 r. z' m
Journal of the American Statistical Association. v6 t7 E  k. Z3 l. L
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 2
! B! D  b6 }1 `3 P/ [1 t* S' oJournal of the Operations Research Society of China 2% ], I4 p$ b: U/ F
Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society$ `9 \2 [/ z% t) _- O
Journal of Theoretical Biology 3
* l: R5 c' X: y" {2 mJournal of Theoretical Probability- z5 _" [! n$ \" b, K: |- X
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation& T' k* l# V" |% q) t
Knowledge-Based Systems 2+ k- y2 H* O/ }3 L
Letters in Mathematical Physics 2
; g8 n1 x7 U& y; R0 |* S% e. ^Lifetime Data Analysis
" }4 C+ m" j! v  K# I+ }Linear Algebra and its Applications 11( ^3 ]0 T9 U8 {; o" s1 W
Linear and Multilinear Algebra 25 x/ M8 X/ T" P- R# |6 E
Manuscripta Mathematica 5/ G! {5 ~/ b) \" g/ M" K( \4 X" \
MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 21: V/ x: x# R$ q4 I0 L- Y; R& j
Math. Comp. 2
9 w* d4 e& G/ j: O. a9 V7 y; H1 O5 ]Mathematical Biosciences' A9 t+ x$ C, A8 k7 ^+ a
Mathematical Logic Quarterly
- b- H3 E( I8 ?. _& I1 V+ v+ GMathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 20 _4 M* k9 R9 h4 Z/ T- N
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research+ P0 C( O5 n; I9 X5 P
Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry1 a/ i' t1 J: e- R; q
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2- t; E9 O; ~6 ~+ P; s
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 2+ H7 q9 X! L" U0 X
Mathematical Research Letters 2
% `3 a* r* C6 q/ s8 m3 I5 lMathematics 2! K  a- r  e3 }& x; m: @, a
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation3 ?9 G' F3 j' S
Mathematische Annalen 3
) v2 U- i( W! s- a7 ~Mathematische Nachrichten 52 U1 v, {' @' a' p5 m: N
Mathematische Zeitschrift 4, q1 t' J% Z( S+ t% j7 e) V
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society& K( r- B9 x% b
Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 2: N/ {2 E6 w9 j7 i- W
Metrika 5
* Q# R5 I+ A( k6 F# nModern Physics Letters A 3
' u; b7 D. ]8 L- l7 gMonatshefte für Mathematik 3
4 @! w- z1 D2 mMultidimensional Systems and Signal Processing  W! t2 z  ^6 @# J) l, d
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation# O% @, E! i% ?# J' f  ^% p3 t
Nature Communications 22 q5 R" i, J0 @, U$ \' K3 i2 p1 |
Naval Research Logistics (NRL)1 f5 a0 x4 `8 y- x3 p5 Y/ `
Neural Processing Letters
, R+ W5 g4 D! R8 ]' a# KNeurocomputing 4
& ~+ D! L! _+ nNew J. Phys. 28 b5 H6 P3 D0 V3 Q  Z& k
New York J. Math.
# C6 p2 K$ w! o; U  _  v+ T/ _8 bNonlinear Analysis 6
8 Q7 C1 q  }5 {2 {9 C' K# ]! pNonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 47 ^/ f7 ]( z  R: s' M! q1 \$ P
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications0 ^$ J$ q0 T: W3 a/ s
( M& |1 `5 r" E- tNonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA7 J% X- _# S* [0 M
Nonlinearity 4
4 v$ ]& I3 Z9 I0 ]- X& a! J! wNotre Dame J. Formal Logic5 E  F+ r& B0 H. q* g$ Q$ e: ?5 C
npj Quantum Information  e) R- @6 p# ]$ _' Y/ Z
Nucleic Acids Research 2$ h/ A% O' k* I' @  O6 v3 t# q" f% P
Numer. Math. Theor. Meth. Appl. 5
/ Z  \& i5 ]4 x. k/ \5 Q/ R9 @; ?Open Mathematics.+ M7 c* G/ C2 Z  u( Q
Optica$ O( R: M/ Q- b2 t* O+ D6 C7 J. t2 @* g2 m
Optics Communications 2  H2 \0 [0 G1 ^) J$ Y6 K
Optics Express
4 V4 `( o& Q+ ?5 S- }Optics Letters
" ^# ^+ U' k! ^* P/ F! Y3 ROPTIMAL CONTROL APPLICATIONS AND METHODS: m& i; m0 K5 p2 |
Osaka Journal of Mathematics
& E+ [: k6 Y! G, G/ G1 R/ APacific Journal of Mathematics 4; S  v3 J9 v! D# K
Pacific Journal of Optimization+ t+ Y- V# x1 q# m5 d# A- @
Periodica Mathematica Hungarica1 F2 r( A/ J5 `
Phys. Rev. A 14
# U6 T/ V" g0 J, bPhys. Rev. Applied
$ o7 a2 \/ p% h8 E' L# Y3 [Phys. Rev. D 44 i- b* `9 W1 _$ |0 I) ~
Phys. Rev. E
# [- {! x/ a" a' i, \Phys. Rev. Lett. 5. P) X" X1 t0 S
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 2( L& j9 t3 L0 l4 U4 g# r
Physics Letters A 3+ E% v( E7 x# F% R! \
Physics Letters B 3+ i& G  N' h, |3 O! U
Physics of Particles and Nuclei4 \3 V/ ]. _. O$ ^5 A; @7 V$ q( v) H' [
Physics of the Dark Universe 4
5 P. s' k4 E. N1 Q3 a2 d" |PLOS Computational Biology
, u9 C* Q% F, wPLOS ONE 4! F! ~$ W  p# @/ L# A
Potential Analysis 4
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences
3 }+ h! E* f: t1 ~: fProc Natl Acad Sci USA
( X  s. Z6 y2 W. h, NProc. Amer. Math. Soc. 7
9 j4 v: Y0 R2 eProc. R. Soc. A& N9 y: l# d. P+ m- ~4 E5 i' j# f
Proceedings - Mathematical Sciences  K* P- A/ @, V  u
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society
. S6 a- d" o& H! S0 }Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics& W: H- {0 s1 K# ?: i
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics  y: D* b) F- b: o) z- G
PROTEIN SCIENCE1 K# a, j- `) d* W8 k+ O8 S1 c
PROTEOMICS# ^( }1 _9 o5 y6 h7 {
Publicacions Matemàtiques
2 B0 J' s2 G# u& L9 E5 C& `& IPublicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 7
; \" V. @# N+ C& x7 ^Q J Math
! p1 ]  s7 O) m  k# AQuaestiones Mathematicae
7 ?9 M; J( z$ v, B% N; B, mQuality and Reliability Engineering International 6
9 t3 Y+ G9 F! Y/ t( uQuality Engineering
: t, u! K- D  V6 T6 {Quality Technology & Quantitative Management 21 O7 a4 }& u. V! g/ ]' A
Quantitative Finance
& F0 N2 g+ k% p) t" NQuantum Information Processing 99 N+ m5 V2 C. K& _6 M( J- }
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics
8 x. \+ s5 b' L' g4 CRenewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews; |, {* L% i* ^* V
Results in Mathematics 2
4 f6 c% v* q7 g: Y$ Z! wRev. Mat. Iberoam.
* G7 n4 p9 M$ MRevista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A.! x+ I0 i$ W* s, v. T, h
Rocky Mountain J. Math. 6
, P* c* C; Z; L; J! {) c3 aScandinavian Actuarial Journal 3& l* ]" I+ S/ S# G
Science Bulletin/ R% ]# ^- E! `9 e, \
Science China Information Sciences 2( j9 z) x! |7 p! v3 m$ X
Science China Mathematics 15) e( M  U; Q3 Q; C' N
Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy7 D: b, H1 c! E2 r
Scientific Reports 9
$ w1 ^6 d2 j7 J2 mSIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 8
+ S% @) z6 H4 e8 {( b- z, d5 ^% ]  PSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences0 y- M" r# g7 v- K6 v( w4 A& q& ]
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis
' Y) b$ j( a7 h; S) H$ r9 A- n5 cSIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis! P( D0 t: \) A* B
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 37 N0 `8 q0 ^: z0 ?1 F* e7 D
SIGMA9 f( E. }% g. T. |( V
Signal, Image and Video Processing 26 Y# F( B% U5 v* h% O) K3 V# T% V9 I/ g& H
3 f/ b: [& F4 n8 G0 G/ sStatistica Sinica 7; D7 J$ ~) ~6 g6 ^# m# M
Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes
5 B, p3 B8 Q% PStatistical Papers
2 e. F6 q" P1 sStatistical Theory and Related Fields 3" q$ J% Q& @( m5 o
Statistics & Probability Letters 149 V! K" S( \+ {" f* S1 }
Statistics and Its Interface 22 w& P  l" ~1 V- H# M0 @- A* v  e
4 x5 w" k! a: M5 E5 B) nStochastic Models) y6 V0 q' P: h" h$ W1 B$ V/ H8 J
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 4
' q$ I8 s4 N8 y) N' M/ E" vStochastics An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes 2
( d# x$ U* j+ Y8 I" ~' G6 e/ mStochastics and Dynamics 2) x/ j+ {( ~, C3 ~+ v, k
Studia Mathematica 28 S0 l  A7 l. ]2 A4 b+ V
Studies in Applied Mathematics* F6 t# J8 M# G, c
Sustainability; n4 q! r! d/ y8 W
7 p' ]. b0 `: v" H# BTaiwanese Journal of Mathematics 5
( X0 z8 R) R! K$ [% GTechnometrics 5
& Y/ A% n6 G5 c5 X/ O& D/ N. R7 X/ XThe Computer Journal
( j. R/ x$ A4 b, Zthe electronic journal of combinatorics 5
2 Z! d/ p$ j7 K: _( |The European Physical Journal C 7/ q0 d! A% M( a
The Journal of Geometric Analysis 5# w. O4 _) V; W) g& C$ {$ \  }
The Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications(JNSA)
# r2 g1 q+ ^: A( g; y; u5 XThe Journal of Physiology, V& Y2 X. e3 b
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
' n  o; z% Y4 Z( p0 YThe Journal of Symbolic Logic 4
" r: b/ N: A- G/ z. \7 U) C: W  UThe Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 4/ \; q+ a6 [" q
The Ramanujan Journal 7. T3 S/ i( l4 U0 `$ g+ Z5 J9 q
The Visual Computer' M& l; u8 j4 g5 Q% K2 C3 y+ t
Theoretical Computer Science 58 K6 J$ W3 I* Q$ O, k$ k& w
Tohoku Mathematical Journal
6 b: h# x+ [* ^9 G+ ]. h- RTopological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 2
' j5 t8 S  M+ j: RTopology and its Applications 6
( K& Y+ t8 B( @/ m5 P( ]8 xTrans. Amer. Math. Soc. 6
. }3 a! G0 |' W$ S+ b% Q9 kTransformation Groups- o* s6 t  z: v: Q3 |! I& H. F4 o
" e! P( a( a  P6 g& oWater: X1 \) l- A- ?( G+ D+ `
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik( R; J7 R5 D4 q; C) K! p


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 楼主| 发表于 2021-12-1 23:08:12 | 显示全部楼层
数学学院和统计学院2021年已正式发表和在线的论文:5 A) z" n: H7 Y% B
3 V* n( `2 {0 i( W
Acta Mathematica Scientia 3
( [' R% c) [3 W- u, `Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series 5' p5 ~, L, F/ H7 s
Adv. Geom.
: |/ H/ Q1 n. b3 Z  F7 o7 Z1 W3 C! sAdvanced Quantum Technologies* H2 j7 J8 x7 e& p. T
Advanced Science* D2 a+ B( e6 e6 ~
Advances in Applied Mathematics 4$ ]3 n$ H! D1 J. s1 u
Advances in Mathematics of Communications 3
9 }+ v, z4 A7 J/ d; PAdvances in Mathematics 2: A9 M+ x* N3 J
Algebra Colloquium
' M0 W% G" i# j( N, dAnn. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist.: K9 d  |" l: A# @4 H; y: R/ a
Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. 25 P1 D) F+ y5 Q9 v3 _
Ann. Statist. 2
3 a* R+ ~: ^1 f( H2 dAnnales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse non linéaire 39 w7 M. [. d: k; k* ]
Annales Henri Poincaré
' i; y) `% p$ V) b  F( a. QAnnals of Physics 2$ l2 ~8 i: b$ @( o3 o  ]5 V9 z
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
" ?% F2 d: h: r! b* @" [Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 3& K+ X5 T" P. f) i0 [6 J9 S1 J
Applicable Analysis 2
4 |( o# n& w* q8 k6 _! hApplied and Computational Harmonic Analysis' L; h" J+ G+ I1 o9 S
Applied Mathematics and Computation 4
! N3 \* A9 f. L* ?9 cApplied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry
  B) u5 l/ u* k  l6 R7 y0 zArchiv der Mathematik; o6 y' ?0 t$ i% q9 ?
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
( U& _) ^+ m# ?2 ~" f/ g+ P: KAsian Journal of Control
) E- t" F& n+ k0 B8 t/ J1 K$ yAsian-European Journal of Mathematics 3
. `- {) k; z5 O& F6 p% ]2 L& yASTIN Bulletin: The Journal of the IAA- m/ k: u4 E8 y. D! f7 D  R; u
Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 27 K4 b! W: a2 ~; l1 X% e
Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry
: s" [2 [- Q* w5 m5 }2 S; \) cBernoulli
7 l9 {! X6 q+ ~$ c, pBioinformatics 6
+ q( J( g3 U6 r- bBiometrical Journal
1 F1 O; h4 ?* n0 X4 }, mBiometrika) L* _% ^% T0 H4 h& h
( |3 R' }4 z8 D4 g! Z3 YBiostatistics* Q2 g+ W5 R( O9 D- f: }4 I
Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana
0 c" v! M9 s) @+ {% `( M' [Brain and Development+ ~! B, e' H, z& V& d
Briefings in Bioinformatics 4+ T2 w+ t6 R- ^1 O) i2 ^! u. Z
Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society 2: ~+ @7 e4 ]$ ^' D+ _1 i  Y% F
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 37 ^. \4 [, {" V* z) }  e; L3 C
Canadian Journal of Statistics 3
. y2 n* O, [0 zChinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B" a5 H0 G! C: ~7 n* `1 y
Communications in Algebra 3- h6 l" v6 Z" t) x4 H0 j' U$ U7 |
Communications in Analysis and Geometry3 n( v8 J. [% ~3 O
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 2) \# h8 W; ^4 c
Communications in Mathematical Sciences9 C' l5 `, p$ ]% e% f$ n
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 8- ^  n! @/ s* @& `
Communications on Pure & Applied Analysis$ g1 [% W) K, O/ [
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal
" ^' q  S$ F& F. QComputational Statistics & Data Analysis 2; Z% `( ]% n1 w, b1 T$ l
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering2 N* h' L  T- k0 f9 D9 Q: r0 u
Cryptography and Communications 3) M0 Q, x9 \7 t0 q& q9 Z( p5 T
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 2
; u# M' u2 Z3 h. k# d) HDiscrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - A 2
# H. {+ k  z% ~" r' q. xDiscrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - B
4 _6 A3 ^2 W3 I# C$ s& ~' P9 [7 xDiscrete Applied Mathematics 5
. c% Q$ h- k6 p! |5 qDiscrete Mathematics 3
2 @; B. T0 A$ Z& }Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 2
, C3 V5 Z! y! D6 T5 U5 g5 K$ AEconometric Reviews; X3 w( J$ U- [2 q' j
Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja- X% o4 F8 ~" W: \4 U
Environment, Development and Sustainability0 e2 c/ K' C& {4 r* @
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing( F% C' n2 N3 _- I9 M, H
European Journal of Combinatorics 3
( p1 ^" s6 I1 ?' Y4 jFront. Cell Dev. Biol.. P5 q: S- g% B
Front. Oncol.
4 S" R( d! Z7 q  w7 sFrontiers of Mathematics in China 4; b: m; `. x* V5 [5 |& o; x5 K
Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 2
7 J8 O1 A2 m0 e" M& H( IGenome Res.
& O2 j# s& U3 E3 ?! o  \: P# V1 fGraphs and Combinatorics 3
7 i9 x5 y( |8 v5 d/ E, i: EICES Journal of Marine Science; y* p: U/ V% x. ~2 \3 ?
IEEE Communications Letters$ V! O, D/ S$ \/ g1 M  N
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters" H8 P' ]# g  s. s/ t9 ~! v
IEEE Transactions on Communications
; a1 x1 k- P" M& {: y; m% YIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 3
& e/ l2 U3 `1 W1 V% pIEEE Transactions on Image Processing
6 v" v! X6 {6 A3 ]0 g/ hIEEE Transactions on Information Theory 64 M7 s$ L1 c. x6 ?6 h3 V
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters( ]0 L9 i' v0 m3 T
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 3
3 l+ Y  O; S1 O$ c( C; I3 X1 JIMA Journal of Management Mathematics
6 e9 ]) j1 y% W, w( D8 Z  ]5 aInfectious Diseases of Poverty
7 p3 y7 Z- ], v6 ^0 f, pInformation Processing Letters) s% b6 i" _) Z2 s+ j
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science5 e. S9 ^7 Q- N' D1 x" j
International Journal of Mathematics 69 P' f9 P# ]0 V, O+ O/ G
International Journal of Number Theory
" p- h+ I- g3 z# IInternational Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing
* W0 K3 n" k8 g0 d$ m/ eInternational Mathematics Research Notices 2  O0 R% }: D$ _- X4 W% y( A% w9 x* K
Inverse Problems 27 K3 j# k" {* c. R( u5 p0 T$ R
Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering% L% s3 A2 G- \) I
J. Comp. Math. 2
1 C( b$ j; R9 X0 O2 `' oJ. Phys. A: Math. Theor.2 ]0 V/ J- D& F8 \* `
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 2
) u) w& H8 K# [8 |3 {7 f' z, i4 F6 {3 ?Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 2. X2 F7 C, g) `4 O
Journal of Algebra 2
1 E( v# D3 I9 d2 \1 C, C; F* O4 V& kJournal of Applied Analysis & Computation9 \1 u( [5 N  \9 [
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 29 d  V: p0 K$ g/ q2 p
Journal of Applied Statistics 66 L, U6 \% h2 Z( ~
Journal of Approximation Theory, \% h6 `; G0 _. k0 U/ J* b# @
Journal of Biomedical Informatics
' ^) Q& p" r( x8 K' q6 q$ rJournal of Business & Economic Statistics 28 J: ^% ?& ^+ E5 Q
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 4" ?% P( i6 Q; j
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 3. f+ R% l: B  Y. O: ~; [7 a
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 2
1 ~) Y6 O1 _% ~% x, y; U5 ?Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics8 r, B, Q: n9 Y3 u3 w
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics* r8 _* a# @* I- T1 L! |
Journal of Computational Biology3 f% I, I9 v9 N# ?
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations% }1 ]9 C5 V, w$ x" X
Journal of Econometrics 2
. \% R" n* Q! K' f5 |4 y/ sJournal of Function Spaces
0 i9 d) g6 @; p; n+ B6 JJournal of Functional Analysis7 x" v0 d7 F5 I/ E, ?* ^/ i6 M
Journal of Geometry and Physics; o% y* a$ j3 W  T; l+ Y5 C& V
Journal of Graph Theory 3
' ?0 A, |! s9 W: r& X6 nJournal of Industrial & Management Optimization 2
# @" l! Y; b2 o  UJournal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 3
% ?' e0 U5 l, ]1 }# y4 I* i7 zJournal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
, s8 [! Q( D9 P' \: M( Y8 e! j7 IJournal of Molecular Biology/ n, D( q1 @4 ]: _
Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics- i5 W$ M8 P5 G: w7 n
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
- T9 j7 e8 G; a7 HJournal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 2
- H7 Y0 y  d7 _Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 4
, ]3 z& n+ b  h8 G; nJournal of Systems Science and Complexity 21 G2 {  S( i2 q" Q8 c, X; p
Journal of the American Statistical Association 69 X0 y7 Y5 h( x2 I2 _# L5 w- e4 I
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society
# n  _) l8 f3 h0 t; [Journal of the Korean Statistical Society
: @, b" _1 a8 g2 L/ yKnowledge-Based Systems- y# g1 f- V1 p
Linear Algebra and its Applications 4
/ G# Z& ^. f) jLinear and Multilinear Algebra 3
( n1 C5 V  o6 x' a- j) I" `! f0 lmanuscripta mathematica  v' n1 U" Q" a' p; J, C; f; Q
MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 4
( y" T! ^* U6 K% M5 R) {Math. Comp.
- Y, q2 {  T6 ?) L  E5 JMathematical Finance2 T/ t( u0 d, o  @
Mathematical Logic Quarterly 2
1 I% z; u3 h8 N7 e3 J. EMathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 2
( K% \0 {5 j3 ?9 oMathematische Annalen 4
% s/ W# D$ a& B  z% {9 t$ \! uMathematische Zeitschrift 2' u8 ~0 j& a/ c1 W
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics
; Y6 `# L6 Z& h. L1 J% U% vMethodology and Computing in Applied Probability 24 x% s$ o! c! p; c: ?" {+ r
Metrika 5
* Q2 F2 y" k$ F  ~4 s, dMicrobial Genomics0 \/ q; `, D9 Z) P
Modern Physics Letters A 3; K4 h, p5 i) O7 M0 h
Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids2 A! H; u" w; q1 p& f
Monatshefte für Mathematik
% U7 u5 q0 h8 B. e: N4 L+ WNature Communications
7 P- i: e1 y! ?6 v$ y$ c& aNature Methods 2
" s* |) f: D* UNature Protocols
9 m6 ?& g6 j0 t/ P: p3 P7 i9 p* xNeuropsychopharmacology. B. {6 A& H* v- j. U' W/ q
Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA& R- r* S& R$ T' M& n& {, |
Nonlinearity) Z: |) [; b2 w
North American Actuarial Journal! P2 I, G$ P' D* |1 G
npj Quantum Information% N, ^' h0 |/ c/ L6 ^3 e
Osaka Journal of Mathematics
* ~; d7 h5 {/ F/ ?& p6 d( WPacific Journal of Mathematics
6 o8 ^, b: n( C7 P3 z0 gPeking Mathematical Journal 2
3 c) `  @( t( g3 rPeriodica Mathematica Hungarica+ o* }" L2 s2 M8 l/ Q! v5 U
Photonics Research 20 }( L- _+ r4 [( U4 K5 |
Phys. Rev. B 41 f  y* m' O; @' f; X9 a
Phys. Rev. Lett.
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 2
" j) Y% f- @' E1 }Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 31 N; K6 N" d& [2 r' j% C- t" D
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics
9 X8 ?  a- N; g1 T2 xQuality and Reliability Engineering International
; ?" U! M# h9 NQuantitative Finance
& h! c. c1 o# a# Y! g4 iRAIRO-Oper. Res.) S) V& o4 c2 S# |( b
Random Matrices: Theory and Applications1 F5 D: g/ M' y3 |
Reliability Engineering & System Safety
: m2 n' T8 M& C1 u3 d4 sRemote Sens.
7 k; V0 p8 f  rResults in Mathematics 2' h/ o6 A8 o. a( @2 a. {  a
Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas4 @' P7 r  `: U! N' {
( }3 Y4 h- z$ `! lScandinavian Actuarial Journal
8 |; n! u, \7 b  t  }' TScandinavian Journal of Statistics+ U# _' t* T' d
Science China Mathematics 6; S( S. H* o% S+ m
Scientific Reports
; W8 k4 V/ C( ]3 X, x1 Q8 ISIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry
8 {, j, k2 W7 _- y5 P3 _4 lSIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
. x* v7 \# p% K/ MSIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
! D( Q% N8 ~9 s, VSIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis' F* c9 C& ]. f  u& R0 l
Stat 3
* q4 q8 J" w" V% j' w3 eStatistica Sinica 4
# O& C9 M5 k$ rStatistical Methods & Applications
( B8 y3 `6 J/ [9 j* ^# M! K% lStatistical Methods in Medical Research 2' i' Q! P  L; y3 x; N
Statistical Papers 62 P/ u+ L: ]) }" M
Statistical Theory and Related Fields 2
  \; N. R& H/ WStatistics & Probability Letters 6* i& x8 P8 o4 Z$ u3 o1 q
Statistics and Its Interface4 S% z5 X) P4 G
Statistics in Medicine
/ m1 _+ R" ]' a, E: lStatistics# w# |9 G) E4 R& E, Y! D4 j% Y
Stochastic Processes and their Applications1 @) V, b- c+ c
Stochastics An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes, I- O+ s7 ?, B9 n
Systems & Control Letters
* A9 _# p7 |# y$ o8 r; d5 ~Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics4 Q8 I! k3 T7 ^% S, k
Technometrics 2
- P2 Z, t2 l/ i8 ^) `& ?+ Hthe electronic journal of combinatorics  l2 N- `) |1 L& h; K1 a# b
The Journal of Geometric Analysis 2* I9 R5 I+ P# `9 U! s2 K" ]
The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific
$ A( N. K) D5 v5 l; D: S" LThe Ramanujan Journal 24 i% J6 j0 b  e8 t
Theoretical Computer Science 2
3 z1 w& ^7 ^# a5 vTheory of Probability & Its Applications
/ L9 ~' A0 n. c" sTopological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 2
' O3 F6 Z" r) M# r7 l6 OTopology and its Applications
0 M+ d! f" c: PTrans. Amer. Math. Soc.
* W0 E9 e, s) @& lTransportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review
. f; J" w! V# J9 [4 a4 m: @World Wide Web2 U6 P7 p8 K( ]3 u) f5 @; z% q8 X4 V2 z


Rank: 5Rank: 5






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 楼主| 发表于 2021-12-2 18:38:09 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 NKU 于 2021-12-2 18:40 编辑 & {2 q" w5 @- `
shanhaisanren 发表于 2021-12-2 08:315 K, y  j8 [: A6 M6 B. c" x5 @& F

9 ]. K8 {0 `5 C  v& J0 S南开数学代表作也不差,基础数学依然Top5的存在,统计学Top3。按照原来统计数学不分家的话,南开数学大类依然Top3。, D2 g  u( H! R2 T; F

3 F/ k( X. K% i国内2016-2020年学科评估周期在数学四大顶刊发表共发表37篇论文
/ a0 _8 o' Z4 \$ C3 VInventiones mathematicae作者有顺序区分,其他论文无通讯作者不区分作者顺序
& }* y+ ]7 C/ j( B# {. E: d+ v
1.Annals of Mathematics Vol. 192, No. 3 (November 2020), pp. 1005-1068, 10.4007/annals.2020.192.3.7
0 v$ p7 v9 d( S) u: _7 p6 l北大 作者的第二单位
) t" |. }6 c. \. v0 T! lXu, Chenyang[ 1,2,3 ] ; Zhuang, Zhiquan[ 1 ]
# K: {+ }, t3 |6 D[ 2 ]‎ Beijing Int Ctr Math Res, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China4 M. K+ p& B2 t5 {: [) S, h( \
/ U; x) g$ C' j! _' w+ l9 Y, d
2.J. Amer. Math. Soc. 33 (2020), 1087-1099, 10.1090/jams/9459 M( K" n. G; {6 o5 ^4 m7 e
西湖) n! Z% O# H7 J
Bhargava, M.[ 1 ] ; Shankar, A.[ 2 ] ; Taniguchi, T.[ 3 ] ; Thorne, F.[ 4 ] ; Tsimerman, J.[ 2 ] ; Zhao, Y.[ 5 ]
( B3 t: @6 M, n. w( B8 ^[ 5 ]‎ Westlake Univ, Sch Sci, Hangzhou 310024, Peoples R China% L8 T% J. S$ c/ Z, |! E

- g% F+ }. x# T$ Q3.J. Amer. Math. Soc. 33 (2020), 1167-1227, 10.1090/jams/949* n3 R; P: @) `  ]$ V: x& b
北大+ Q( s+ J- Q0 t6 a: r+ H1 I) h. S6 h
Liu, Yi[ 1 ]+ S. [6 l  f5 `6 M7 s5 {! I
[ 1 ]‎ Peking Univ, Beijing Int Ctr Math Res, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China( Y4 u- J* U/ g' G

% M( J: P* u9 R# o& y% ?' F4.Inventiones mathematicae volume 222, pages 995–1032 (2020) 10.1007/s00222-020-00987-2
1 e1 K1 O, W# N+ Q, x' Q北大 通讯作者的第二单位
5 {& _- V% A7 \+ N4 GAlper, Jarod[ 1 ] ; Blum, Harold[ 2 ] ; Halpern-Leistner, Daniel[ 3 ] ; Xu, Chenyang[ 4,5 ]*
/ g/ f2 f' w4 X1 w[ 5 ]‎ Beijing Int Ctr Math Res, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China2 W" h$ l. N, `! b- O- D5 o

: f* x5 M/ |0 z# l: _5.Acta Mathematica Volume 224 (2020) Number 2, pp. 253-388, 10.4310/ACTA.2020.v224.n2.a29 [$ q3 A# f3 K$ N4 u. b& D
# r" }2 a! s2 h2 nXue, Jinxin[ 1,2 ]) ^6 z$ t& n  U- q2 L% s
[ 1 ]‎ Tsinghua Univ, Yau Math Sci Ctr, Beijing 100084, Peoples R China/ v, |6 y* o4 p+ [8 R
[ 2 ]‎ Tsinghua Univ, Dept Math, Beijing 100084, Peoples R China
. E4 d# h& e& I# x' Q6 m* D3 {
8 a0 a* s. ~; z! v6 \( x; d2 g5 U- r$ j6.Inventiones mathematicae volume 222, pages 545–613 (2020) 10.1007/s00222-020-00973-8" Y  P- r. I7 Q  t8 g
华东师大 一作. ~% ?2 X5 {5 y2 w
科大 通讯作者的第二单位
% ~7 h5 w+ n, J/ u9 R7 vLiu, Bo[ 1 ] ; Ma, Xiaonan[ 2,3 ]*9 x: t. v: Q) X+ x3 C9 Z) C% g* F
[ 1 ]‎ East China Normal Univ, Sch Math Sci, Shanghai Key Lab PMMP, Shanghai 200241, Peoples R China
( u7 r' u3 Q  H[ 3 ]‎ Univ Sci & Technol China, Sch Math Sci, Hefei 230026, Anhui, Peoples R China6 A  O; U6 W+ B  \! V! H
" a5 h7 U9 n9 L5 B/ K0 {: r8 C
7.Annals of Mathematics Vol. 191, No. 3 (May 2020), pp. 949-1001, 10.4007/annals.2020.191.3.5
8 {& U8 p. u! X3 u9 M浙大
3 e5 M$ H0 v* q1 JDeMarco, Laura[ 1 ] ; Krieger, Holly[ 2 ] ; Ye, Hexi[ 3 ]+ a5 {# h  s1 k& z  x0 f
[ 3 ]‎ Zhejiang Univ, Hangzhou, Peoples R China# W( E: b7 A; q; w: x0 @$ {! T6 J

8 x9 S3 x" y8 b, a  e. r, M8.Annals of Mathematics Vol. 191, No. 3 (May 2020), pp. 1003-1030, 10.4007/annals.2020.191.3.6
9 x+ [; ~! p  O3 ^8 W1 G. G: i北大 作者的第二单位
5 L  L2 {5 `% T3 L& \% W( xXu, Chenyang[ 1,2 ]7 C& g3 s5 q1 L$ \; I% f
[ 2 ]‎ Peking Univ, BICMR, Beijing, Peoples R China2 I  S. u# @0 q

* m7 _- }- j- ^7 `9.Inventiones mathematicae volume 220, pages 61–127 (2020) 10.1007/s00222-019-00924-y; k0 H1 m' F6 m1 \5 E* x! T
' C# s  X( Q" e& I: U" ZXi, Ping[ 1 ]- j6 s! S1 i0 b# _  o
[ 1 ]‎ Xi An Jiao Tong Univ, Dept Math, Xian 710049, Peoples R China/ Y  T6 Y- `. N! q

* t# f: ^$ O, O; l  R# Z10.J. Amer. Math. Soc. 33 (2020), 135-222, 10.1090/jams/934* O1 j3 \  x# v; x+ |
0 ?1 `2 o/ [" y" L清华
. d1 g' |  [' {' e; j$ l3 qFang, Bohan[ 1 ] ; Liu, Chiu-Chu Melissa[ 2 ] ; Zong, Zhengyu[ 3 ]$ H/ n: f. k6 ?9 T) a8 l: m$ y
[ 1 ]‎ Peking Univ, Beijing Int Ctr Math Res, 5 Yiheyuan Rd, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China4 E: x! u$ z7 m, ~
[ 2 ]‎ Columbia Univ, Dept Math, 2990 Broadway, New York, NY 10027 USA
$ d5 Y* V$ U2 V4 U" x* U[ 3 ]‎ Tsinghua Univ, Yau Math Sci Ctr, Jin Chun Yuan West Bldg, Beijing 100084, Peoples R China+ h. x2 T0 u& b9 I7 k7 w* p+ Q
; M5 z. O/ ^* m8 @! C+ P
11.Inventiones mathematicae volume 218, pages 491–571 (2019) 10.1007/s00222-019-00890-5
7 L8 T; t. H1 F7 Y5 V3 W上纽  一作的第二单位
5 [7 }2 T0 [5 n7 Y2 J. Z2 @% `Sidoravicius, Vladas[ 1,2,3 ] ; Stauffer, Alexandre[ 4,5 ]*
" i) N/ Z& D! r" j; a3 w[ 2 ]‎ NYU Shanghai, NYU ECNU Inst Math Sci, Shanghai, Peoples R China
1 ~' O# C% ?" l6 K( f5 ]+ ]7 _! J8 d5 L, y8 D0 v$ n
12.Inventiones mathematicae volume 220, pages 479–523 (2020) 10.1007/s00222-019-00932-y: p1 n( v# H# ~
清华 通讯作者$ P6 |  ?, l; |" r; V8 N2 N* y
King, Alastair[ 1 ] ; Qiu, Yu[ 2 ]*
3 T6 F/ }$ i; s5 u9 W' D  w[ 2 ]‎ Tsinghua Univ, Yau Math Sci Ctr, Beijing, Peoples R China
& U* q; _& i8 M) |& `
0 l0 v$ q( U# A: D* N13.Inventiones mathematicae volume 220, pages 211–253 (2020) 10.1007/s00222-019-00929-7' A/ O) o( G  [: c* }. M9 s% `
国科大 第二作者- H* _2 c0 W8 e! a$ ~
Burungale, Ashay A.[ 1 ]* ; Tian, Ye[ 2,3 ]% ?) v) j6 O# m/ e
[ 2 ]‎ Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Sch Math Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China
' l1 ^, X; `3 F7 b1 w1 c[ 3 ]‎ Chinese Acad Sci, Acad Math & Syst Sci, HLM, MCM, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China
) t  }$ L# Y( x5 H: K, r3 S
0 K! I0 H* g1 o$ Q6 Z' H14.Inventiones mathematicae volume 218, pages 721–777 (2019) 10.1007/s00222-019-00893-2
  U% p4 o" y# L- O; k* c2 o* M科大2 y1 J- f( X% M! K
Li, Haozhao[ 1 ]* ; Wang, Bing[ 2 ]  ]( f  r' Q; N
[ 1 ]‎ Univ Sci & Technol China, Chinese Acad Sci, Sch Math Sci, Key Lab Wu Wen Tsun Math, 96 Jinzhai Rd, Hefei 230026, Anhui, Peoples R China! U6 N, v- x# @" k$ K
[ 2 ]‎ Univ Sci & Technol China, Inst Geometry & Phys, Sch Math Sci, 96 Jinzhai Rd, Hefei 230026, Anhui, Peoples R China' c6 i. |: g3 N2 f
4 |8 ~* e' z' C( a" Q$ R
15.Annals of Mathematics Vol. 190, No. 2 (September 2019), pp. 609-656, 10.4007/annals.2019.190.2.4
+ R7 S" a. S, p+ u北大3 c, z& F! g" f9 e1 ^% X3 S
Blum, Harold[ 1 ] ; Xu, Chenyang[ 2,3 ]
2 x! ~0 F% v. K6 m2 j[ 2 ]‎ Beijing Int Ctr Math Res, Beijing, Peoples R China) q4 ?9 B2 q# A
[ 3 ]‎ MIT, 77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA9 ^( S$ f& I# H$ W# G

7 H* R+ W3 s% G6 E6 e# g% f16.Annals of Mathematics Vol. 189, No. 3 (May 2019), pp. 945-978, 10.4007/annals.2019.189.3.74 q6 S1 q7 W0 [* o+ u$ ?1 h$ @7 K7 G
港大+ m7 p. {+ ^, S0 p4 J
Mok, Ngaiming[ 1 ] ; Pila, Jonathan[ 2 ] ; Tsimerman, Jacob[ 3 ]+ H5 I: U. \. W" ^# \+ n8 ]
[ 1 ]‎ Univ Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, Peoples R China* z, x: ^% j0 ]$ z% ^
/ ~, d; l! n- E' s4 d
17.Inventiones mathematicae volume 214, pages 1169–1204 (2018) 10.1007/s00222-018-0820-2
4 b' d6 l  E$ L+ K湖大
" U- {' b; N$ RGui, Changfeng[ 1,2 ]* ; Moradifam, Amir[ 3 ]
- {4 a, C4 Q6 c# ]3 z7 u! w[ 1 ]‎ Hunan Univ, Coll Math & Econometr, Changsha, Hunan, Peoples R China$ V* o- C) I* }6 L' V/ h
[ 2 ]‎ Univ Texas San Antonio, Dept Math, San Antonio, TX 78249 USA- A1 J. G8 h# W& r' Z7 H  f
[ 3 ]‎ Univ Calif Riverside, Dept Math, Riverside, CA 92521 USA3 s2 e7 X; j- z! A- N/ G/ b* H6 V. c
1 Y* F; L) i; k/ C4 q8 D0 g8 [% B
18.Acta Mathematica Volume 220 (2018) Number 2, pp. 297-339, 10.4310/ACTA.2018.v220.n2.a33 {) W* A# d5 p. N+ K% x; m
清华$ z) I" W8 U. s7 T4 J
Dyatlov, Semyon[ 1,2 ] ; Jin, Long[ 3,4 ]
- [/ N1 d) B1 P3 _% Q6 v: [% z[ 3 ]‎ Tsinghua Univ, Yau Math Sci Ctr, Beijing, Peoples R China
+ n# {9 R# V- R& A. U$ b) u" Z  p! \; M) c$ n4 `& Z; T% Z
19.Inventiones mathematicae volume 211, pages 863–934 (2018) 10.1007/s00222-017-0757-x: `% s3 a7 j! W  E' a
中大4 f" N! U& m4 o; E- y
Zhang, Hui-Chun[ 1 ] ; Zhu, Xi-Ping[ 1 ]
8 n5 O1 P1 m0 g' W4 R7 A[ 1 ]‎ Sun Yat Sen Univ, Dept Math, Guangzhou 510275, Guangdong, Peoples R China/ U) `5 Q4 l0 |& Y  j
: R5 X" }, x% l% W" o1 N
20.Acta Mathematica Volume 219 (2017) Number 1, pp. 21-63, 10.4310/ACTA.2017.v219.n1.a3- K* x  P4 Q3 F( l5 J# I
上海交大1 t; \5 _! E( ~8 a+ T
Kalmykov, Sergei[ 1,2 ] ; Nagy, Bela[ 3 ] ; Totik, Vilmos[ 3,4 ]- X) k9 |1 o1 c1 L8 I. a
[ 1 ]‎ Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, Sch Math Sci, 800 Dongchuan RD, Shanghai 200240, Peoples R China, C- _: E; A3 j3 J8 n

$ u1 S8 l6 a/ J' F5 Y21.Acta Mathematica Volume 218 (2017) Number 1, pp. 1-53, 10.4310/ACTA.2017.v218.n1.a1) k+ Z8 u1 q* a; q+ ]- f  A+ h
* C3 l8 E5 A- @( y3 qFang, Fuquan[ 1 ] ; Grove, Karsten[ 2 ] ; Thorbergsson, Gudlaugur[ 3 ]
$ g/ b7 }  k2 `; w% O[ 1 ]‎ Capital Normal Univ, Dept Math, Beijing 100048, Peoples R China
: B; L$ ~3 X* F. c8 m) }( l5 U8 i; c8 {* v7 X
22.Annals of Mathematics Vol. 185, No. 3 (May, 2017), pp. 1035-1068, 10.4007/annals.2017.185.3.95 K0 N1 F7 I9 T
! n* \" I/ h5 E( Y天大 作者的第三单位
# F# Q; v$ C% x2 xZhang, Weiping[ 1,2,3 ]
* h8 D/ a* s( G4 x, J; U[ 1 ]‎ Nankai Univ, Chern Inst Math, Tianjin, Peoples R China
9 T& k, \3 ^  G$ b[ 2 ]‎ Nankai Univ, LPMC, Tianjin, Peoples R China
; e1 s+ b* c. @! S, A- B* B" v. @, p3 N[ 3 ]‎ Tianjin Univ, Ctr Appl Math, Tianjin, Peoples R China; a8 m3 W8 ?5 d' H+ Q

( o- ]/ _( t- T! q% n- W6 I: }23.Annals of Mathematics Vol. 186, No. 2 (September, 2017), pp. 501-580, 10.4007/annals.2017.186.2.3' p; e  k: f* ~- t, R% |# _
复旦' s7 [# J# q. W+ J
Wang, Guozhen[ 1,2 ] ; Xu, Zhouli[ 3,4 ]
5 ^( `1 x2 d; [7 }# g- b/ d* H[ 1 ]‎ Fudan Univ, Shanghai Ctr Math Sci, Shanghai 200433, Peoples R China
3 G: n( |! Z( V" r1 H7 a[ 2 ]‎ Univ Copenhagen, Dept Math, Univ Pk 5, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark. x; ~7 c: G! b1 D. v
[ 3 ]‎ Univ Chicago, Dept Math, Chicago, IL 60637 USA
9 Q3 U1 g8 A+ F: ~. ?* W[ 4 ]‎ MIT, Dept Math, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA1 G5 |) V$ p% x% l3 r, o8 ~$ a
  V4 f: D$ I0 `! {+ k1 q
24.Annals of Mathematics Vol. 186, No. 1 (July, 2017), pp. 277-314, 10.4007/annals.2017.186.1.72 e4 l; x# u* @* ?
首师大6 c! @1 X8 z0 K2 D9 u' a( o/ Z$ m
De Simoi, Jacopo[ 1 ] ; Kaloshin, Vadim[ 2 ] ; Wei, Qiaoling[ 3 ]  f' Z  b7 l$ i9 R* o8 q* O
[ 1 ]‎ Univ Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
3 V& S8 V# I1 r" ][ 2 ]‎ Univ Maryland, College Pk, MD 20742 USA
% z1 O5 J: K/ u- F7 r[ 3 ]‎ Capital Normal Univ, Beijing, Peoples R China/ [2 {9 j7 s8 f+ J1 V

2 |1 m" [: C7 \- a25.Inventiones mathematicae volume 208, pages 501–552 (2017) 10.1007/s00222-016-0695-z3 ]) J6 G' Q& u: A: t2 U1 D# z
复旦 第二作者- r2 D7 \( d7 i; N  K; q- W6 L" p
Bergeron, Nicolas[ 1 ]* ; Li, Zhiyuan[ 2 ] ; Millson, John[ 3 ] ; Moeglin, Colette[ 4 ]
) P* a$ K4 l  l0 Z6 a% x. L% I[ 2 ]‎ Fudan Univ, Shanghai Ctr Math Sci, Handan Rd 220,Guanghua East Tower, Shanghai 200433, Peoples R China. }+ M$ p% d5 e5 I; f' }

0 O  k5 f) V/ S; c) e26.Inventiones mathematicae volume 207, pages 981–1030 (2017) 10.1007/s00222-016-0680-6: y- ^( ?! F$ q/ ^) \: r" t
北大. d* _. z5 h% e9 D
Liu, Yi[ 1 ]7 {# M5 ^1 _4 `* G: B3 [; e
[ 1 ]‎ Beijing Int Ctr Math Res, 5 Yiheyuan Rd, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China
2 t1 w5 ^7 s; a
, b- l! G# _% q7 J% K7 x+ Z) R7 Y27.Inventiones mathematicae volume 207, pages 697–831 (2017) 10.1007/s00222-016-0676-23 ?1 m  D* w+ |7 d8 B  Z
清华 第二作者* O+ L- \/ Y! V5 m& R; T/ b
Miao, Shuang[ 1 ]* ; Yu, Pin[ 2 ]
2 R  [' [, [2 q, X  s2 W, ]& q5 Q6 H[ 2 ]‎ Tsinghua Univ, Dept Math, Yau Math Sci Ctr, Beijing 100084, Peoples R China
: I; F; D7 @  y6 I2 T
, P. @+ @8 I. _$ u7 X/ S2 [/ A6 Q* Y28.Inventiones mathematicae volume 207, pages 291–343 (2017) 10.1007/s00222-016-0671-70 g( \" X, _' Y; z; |
北大 第一作者4 p6 S6 C, S+ I! z  `
Liu, Ruochuan[ 1 ] ; Zhu, Xinwen[ 2 ]*+ ~; F8 L4 [" K& b
[ 1 ]‎ Peking Univ, Beijing Int Ctr Math Res, 5 Yi He Yuan Rd, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China& ^" N: |" b; y3 E' S8 p
[ 2 ]‎ CALTECH, Dept Math, 1200 East Calif Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91125 USA
) [5 Y2 H# l5 X; U3 v. z: c5 C3 c1 R' [+ Z2 D) c* q
29.Inventiones mathematicae volume 207, pages 519–595 (2017) 10.1007/s00222-016-0674-4' D, ?7 A2 Y* D" ^- \2 s
北大 第二作者/ B8 p+ V: r0 U$ ^3 X) e
Song, Jian[ 1,3 ]* ; Tian, Gang[ 2,3 ]
9 a5 ]0 N* `4 k) c6 {" [* v[ 2 ]‎ Peking Univ, Dept Math, Beijing, Peoples R China3 B$ A  P* o% H
3 V8 o7 f& e& S; R1 G# v/ |, x
30.J. Amer. Math. Soc. 30 (2017), 1-25, 10.1090/jams/8556 V( q' z% Q5 A% T! m3 L: u. V1 D
中科院0 Q; l& ?3 k- V* r8 {( y
Sun, Binyong[ 1,2 ]2 x. a+ u) j: |# J% l  N! h/ V! R
[ 1 ]‎ Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Math, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China
% w3 ^2 m3 L8 c6 j[ 2 ]‎ Chinese Acad Sci, Hua Loo Keng Key Lab Math, AMSS, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China
, ^" L, B! q$ s9 n, w# \
9 i6 k9 V3 B3 p6 B31.Inventiones mathematicae volume 205, pages 527–557 (2016) 10.1007/s00222-015-0640-6' A( F& h& i% ~1 G
北大 通讯作者
' M3 V1 c8 j3 ZKollar, Janos[ 1 ] ; Xu, Chenyang[ 2 ]*7 t" P" w  X/ S! K8 K2 e  ]7 k
[ 1 ]‎ Princeton Univ, Princeton, NJ 08544 USA: o0 v2 T. n. B. C1 i
[ 2 ]‎ Beijing Int Ctr Math Res, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China! R1 a& N8 [4 y* `9 ~
! G/ W3 L; y1 Q
32.Inventiones mathematicae volume 205, pages 671–691 (2016) 10.1007/s00222-015-0644-2
  \  _$ N1 I# P' A' S南开 通讯作者8 N- F7 f# |# ~) U; ^% A
Heckman, Gert[ 1 ] ; Zhao, Lei[ 2 ]*
0 r1 k4 q; ^) j* N4 p3 U[ 1 ]‎ Radboud Univ Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Netherlands
* R( i4 F" p1 F6 E% H5 @  i[ 2 ]‎ Nankai Univ, Chern Inst Math, Tianjin, Peoples R China8 v7 _6 P4 R' u/ g6 C0 C

: s6 b1 b" C. B3 Z33.Inventiones mathematicae volume 205, pages 363–382 (2016) 10.1007/s00222-015-0637-1
* R; g- ]2 Y6 C1 o2 C% K( S- Y复旦 第三作者的第二单位
" E' t# y: D3 u2 y" p! [9 Y1 I1 KLevin, Genadi[ 1 ]* ; Przytycki, Feliks[ 2 ] ; Shen, Weixiao[ 3,4 ]  \& ?, ^/ D5 f* ?
[ 1 ]‎ Hebrew Univ Jerusalem, Inst Math, IL-91904 Jerusalem, Israel
2 T7 f/ g3 f- D& P# h[ 2 ]‎ Polish Acad Sci, Inst Math, Sniadeckich St 8, PL-00956 Warsaw, Poland( W' W9 G' n5 B, L5 b, J& Y
[ 3 ]‎ Natl Univ Sinapore, Dept Math, 10 Lower Kent Ridge Rd, Singapore 119076, Singapore7 B$ i7 \  r+ z% h! i% ~# z
[ 4 ]‎ Fudan Univ, Shanghai Ctr Math Sci, 220 Handan Rd, Shanghai 200433, Peoples R China
5 T( x8 k7 E. k+ e& [3 o6 W  c+ e7 U6 Q# L1 @
34.Inventiones mathematicae volume 205, pages 83–120 (2016) 10.1007/s00222-015-0631-7
( T% d" X/ T2 `4 e7 e# _港科大 通讯作者的第三单位
5 K( n+ C" U7 XUhlmann, Gunther[ 1,2,3 ]* ; Vasy, Andras[ 4 ]
- H) ]* k9 {# N  X9 g  R5 }3 _. }[ 3 ]‎ HKUST, HKUST Jockey Club Inst Adv Study, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Peoples R China
5 {5 l  x6 ^! O( b
3 A; t; W5 U/ ]$ K( W9 n. y/ i% n35.Acta Mathematica volume 216, pages 127–176 (2016) 10.1007/s11511-016-0137-1- {3 B0 h5 U* `* D* ~) v
北大, P8 B2 F: ^, Y
首师大5 D7 m- [2 Q1 C
Tian, Gang[ 1,2,3 ] ; Zhang, Zhenlei[ 4 ]' ?9 m- n) s, t5 l' D5 z
[ 1 ]‎ Peking Univ, Sch Math Sci, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China
, c. A# H# ?# b8 d7 `3 q7 b$ x[ 2 ]‎ Peking Univ, Beijing Int Ctr Math Res, Beijing 100871, Peoples R China
, ]5 r* }* q! a! c# q0 T) F! F[ 3 ]‎ Princeton Univ, Dept Math, Princeton, NJ 08544 USA. ^8 U! j8 U; l. @5 ?
[ 4 ]‎ Capital Normal Univ, Sch Math, Beijing 100048, Peoples R China3 c# b- Q% A9 M0 r% }
6 B3 x- H8 C! F5 T
36.Acta Mathematica volume 216, pages 325–388 (2016) 10.1007/s11511-016-0140-6
& Y4 Y/ Q$ ~" i4 i5 L湖大
( q1 Y* D6 n6 P8 {1 OHuang, Yong[ 1 ] ; Lutwak, Erwin[ 2 ] ; Yang, Deane[ 2 ] ; Zhang, Gaoyong[ 2 ]& k6 T6 |/ g% X
[ 1 ]‎ Hunan Univ, Inst Math, Changsha 410082, Hunan, Peoples R China3 k' w  {5 @- i8 X$ x$ C. e) B
0 p! U( a& j: Z
37.Inventiones mathematicae volume 203, pages 655–673 (2016) 10.1007/s00222-015-0602-z7 c7 h' o# F3 M& @- H3 e% }4 Y
中科院+ E- O# g, E8 H3 y
Liu, Jinsong[ 1,2 ]* ; Zhou, Ze[ 1,2 ]
5 ?2 t7 a% R' e; v[ 1 ]‎ Chinese Acad Sci, HUA Loo Keng Key Lab Math, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China
: F" f8 s: @+ e& T! o0 L) o[ 2 ]‎ Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Math, Acad Math & Syst Sci, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China


Rank: 8Rank: 8






 楼主| 发表于 2021-12-2 19:16:29 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 NKU 于 2021-12-4 10:44 编辑 ! A9 P! Y3 G# H3 l

, J$ `% F: Q+ s4 X' q南开数学系,是大陆建立的第二个数学系,由哈佛大学数学系博士姜立夫于1920年建立,同年招生第一批本科生。1948年,姜立夫当选首批中央研究院院士。1 L5 a2 I+ o  c! K, R
3 d2 @* q8 b, F. p5 o
4 s6 R$ o; |& ^# x& x; O
( F" L, i) [& ~" ?2 |1931年南开统计系成立,1958年,南开统计系与经济系(以及经济研究所)整建制独立,成立天津财经大学。
' K) o, {. P5 ?% V' o8 F1 L; a( a
* i) }! U# m; N5 o1954年,严自达自法国回到南开,开始了李群与微分几何研究,1993年当选为中国科学院院士。
8 N) Z- d5 a+ V1 D0 ^4 N0 [- |0 u* H9 W
1958年,王梓坤自苏联返回南开(1955年自南开去苏联),在数学系开始概率论与数理统计研究。1984年王梓坤调任北师大校长,1991年当选为中国科学院院士。' {' Q/ b0 ~1 S" ]3 m/ y4 ?+ R

6 J% e7 c) l. ^& G& E, l0 ^1960年,胡国定自苏联返回南开,开始概率论研究,任数学系副系主任,此后参与筹建“南开数学研究所”,即现在的陈省身数学研究所(Chern Institute of Mathematics,CIM),并促成陈省身先生回国与陈所大楼的建立,担任国家自然科学基金委副主任。. I1 O' b! W* x" Y4 u
1 Q" N1 R, z' Z' _
1985年,南开陈所成立,南开基础数学和理论物理研究再次起步。张伟平、龙以明、方复全、陈永川、葛墨林、孙昌璞等陆续加入,后当选为中国科学院院士。2005年,陈所大楼(省身楼,Chern Hall)建成,是当时世界规模最大的数学大楼,直到今天,省身楼建筑面积仍大于上海数学中心办公大楼(2018年建成)。1985-2005陈所与数学系均位于数学楼办公,数学楼由国家统计局投资建设。: V: G, s. H0 W& ?% g( M- b. w
/ K, B  S) z' x( L2 [; A
8 Z+ ~; Y, U7 z5 s$ n' M8 K
- K1 r2 n! J; \& y8 W  Z2 z现在格局是数学学院和统计学院主要开展本科生教育,陈省身数学研究所招收纯数学、概率论研究生,组合数学中心招收应用数学研究生,四个单位联合建设纯数学与组合数学教育部重点实验室,全职院士四人。
% [: X0 e  l9 {" a/ Y6 b3 u- T4 x; U" b
( T8 @- z! \. c/ `; d; d

& d' G( n/ ]) a7 f
! k$ x* y3 x8 X) r) w! a


Rank: 2






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Rank: 8Rank: 8






 楼主| 发表于 2021-12-2 21:20:16 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 NKU 于 2021-12-2 21:30 编辑
% R# m, a& ]" @1 X( u% j: N, y, w: a, l# o
9 N5 W) q! m- u  F. r
) N$ D/ T! y, _- M& h: ?! T% l南开数学系偏向纯数学,统计系偏向数理统计与概率论。都是相对基础的研究。; L; ~; j  e! e) w


Rank: 8Rank: 8






 楼主| 发表于 2021-12-2 22:35:48 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 NKU 于 2021-12-4 10:46 编辑 3 R! G1 A9 G1 m- ^- l* i* V

+ g) t% c- b# P1 U" N9 Z2010年,复旦大学谷超豪教授向国家领导人致信建议,由国家和地方共同出资在上海地区建设一个国际型的数学研究和人才培养中心。谷超豪先生致信时任总书记胡锦涛等同志的信中,提到:我建议中央和上海市支持建立一个以上海为基地、联动周边地区高校与研究所的“南方数学研究中心”,与现已建成的“陈省身数学研究所”(天津)“北京国际数学研究中心”南北呼应,形成我国数学事业科学发展的良好格局谷先生的提议很快地得到了中央领导的赞同和高度重视,并迅速批示教育部、科技部、中科院和上海市研究提出意见。
4 |$ ]0 T& I) L$ {$ K- x
, q% n# t3 f2 O以上文字来自上海数学中心历史:http://www.scms.fudan.edu.cn/data/list/bi.html
# h# g: q3 h# \( a9 [8 b* R1 E- n, r$ y! A2 g: E4 G
北京国际数学研究中心(以下简称“北京数学中心”)成立于2005年,是一所由国家出资建设的数学研究机构,办公区坐落于北京大学未名湖畔的镜春园和朗润园,由全斋、怀新园、怀宁园等7座中式仿古建筑构成。9 J4 @; ^" [+ {/ Q% B

# E- q( |# Z/ {1 ?% _7 j以上文字来自于北京数学中心:https://bicmr.pku.edu.cn/cn/content/page/8.html$ m% ~* i2 i" y) m  I# P
6 ]) ]1 R8 H9 L; T* b# A% K  @
陈省身数学研究所(原南开数学研究所)成立于 1985 年,研究所成立以来一直得到了国家教育部(前国家教育委员会)和财政部的持续资助,同时也得到了很多机构和个人的大力支持,例如:国家科技部、国家自然科学基金委员会、香港邵逸夫先生、香港王宽诚教育基金委员会、陈省身基金会等。
# C) O! l5 T! G: o6 t/ ?( A& n: k  B! F) {0 I& [) n, r2 L0 r0 |
以上文字来自于陈省身数学研究所:http://www.nim.nankai.edu.cn/6692/list.htm* l$ a4 f8 L( x' l

/ i" E# ]& C  P& t2 F3 T' i陈省身数学研究所是我国建立的第一个开放型的数学研究中心。我不太清楚北京数学研究中心的历史,但是时间上比南开晚了20年,国家教委大规模投资比南开略晚,05年北京数学中心创立的时候,南开省身楼及配套公寓已经建成。复旦上海数学中心的建设更晚,多少有点当年南开建设数学所的影子。专家写信——中央批复——国家教委或者发改委等投资建设大楼并配套专家公寓。
: s! E$ {# M  y6 y
, k  L, @3 Y) R2 A2 j: |) }+ R6 m" L/ v2 @# W2 {' m2 G& `2 v: n* V7 a& d
5 L, J8 m2 o9 x( X1 \- p" j

* A/ \1 g) T1 u3 ]( Q* @7 v2 w: ~# u6 i5 T
9 O" l6 J6 y# n7 o* ^
2 p8 T7 T" q  c% W


Rank: 1






发表于 2021-12-2 22:40:13 | 显示全部楼层







发表于 2021-12-3 10:39:03 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 sdsb 于 2021-12-3 10:48 编辑
7 x9 K0 g: x# r5 N! l5 ?/ j- u9 D5 {
南开数学本来就有很好的基础,但可惜过去10年因为内斗沦落至此。尤其是,前南开副校长、南开数学当年实际的掌门人陈永川院士,因为副校长之位负气出走,到今天其影响也未完全消除。8 k& Y+ u; `" E  x9 Y% t2 ^  x


Rank: 8Rank: 8






 楼主| 发表于 2021-12-3 11:59:19 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 NKU 于 2021-12-3 12:02 编辑
# a+ }3 N. \, `$ M2 Q6 |1 ]1 o) w/ N4 F3 c
南开的学科如果因为一个人走掉就不行,那这个人就只是成就了自己个人罢了。4 ?3 s5 N7 z* O% H, q
另外,南开数学没有掌门人之说,陈永川院士主要在组合数学中心,应用数学方向。一个人走掉,南开可以招到更多人。问题不在于谁走掉,而在于没有合适的人到来。0 @3 e" O* Y3 Z0 e


Rank: 4






发表于 2021-12-3 12:07:26 | 显示全部楼层
sdsb 发表于 2021-12-3 10:39  g# D' ]; q+ H9 ?
南开数学本来就有很好的基础,但可惜过去10年因为内斗沦落至此。尤其是,前南开副校长、南开数学当年实际的 ...
! ^8 i3 z8 f% t0 Z' v2 J







发表于 2021-12-3 15:28:38 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 sdsb 于 2021-12-3 15:32 编辑 7 U/ g0 v) `4 Z5 T0 f
千江有水千江月 发表于 2021-12-3 12:07: s/ d0 w+ e# V) P" J

, }# ]: h/ L2 M+ e2 D
2 J8 U6 i9 {" K1 a' N2 ]薛姨妈号称南开历史上任职最长的党委书记,从当年一个山西小县城的底层公务员,爬到副部级的位置,也算是一个奇迹了。9 ]4 G" ^# d* z# u
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