本帖最后由 maicon08 于 2025-3-7 09:47 编辑 1 ?/ Z. ?% ^+ h6 w3 V2 a
$ \4 T9 C5 C+ f. E \' C$ W0 R
* W& L5 B8 g6 M8 h4 Q1. 仅统计2025年在线发表于临床医学水平最高的四大综合期刊New England Journal of Medicine(NEJM)、The Lancet、The Journal of the American Medical Association(JAMA)、British Medical Journal(BMJ)及其影响力较大子刊;; U p6 D3 i: A# p, z, e
2. 公共卫生学院等非临床学院也会发一些临床医学期刊文章,故统计分为含和不含这些文章的两个版本;
/ i; ?3 X+ a1 D3. 仅统计第一作者和通讯作者一致的第一单位文章;0 {4 N6 ?9 J. x0 k( D2 ?) X
4. 仅统计有患者或健康人数据分析的文章,包括article、review、letter等,correspondence不统计,如果没有数据分析的暂时不纳入,如image、case report等,观点或评论类文章一律不纳入。) \4 f: K3 s* N1 g7 S2 r2 t2 m
3 J: D: a8 a" s3 p& j% N; a历年统计链接:5 v- \% {" R: j' y% v& V
9 g/ I1 m, Y6 i8 n3 T% ~ R# z+ x2022年:https://bbs.netbig.top/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=55424 y' ?; s0 P0 O/ |+ X
2023年:https://bbs.netbig.top/thread-23296-1-1.html C; G* @! R8 V3 A- |% l2 \- h
2024年:https://bbs.netbig.top/thread-47729-1-1.html$ c* \3 Q% b% E; w9 N
5 h j7 E2 Y3 s4 n4 O3 ~( u8 i
New England Journal of Medicine * ?5 p7 I' B5 M, X6 d3 A1 l
The Lancet
! _3 q" o( p9 [9 Y& l5 F; J0 E" k1 [
JAMA British Medical Journal
! ~$ Z/ o$ n2 W. @ The Lancet Oncology The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology
7 C( g2 R% C: a
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology ! w- z e: `- w+ G& r6 i
The Lancet Neurology
9 I0 Y' \9 b- ^& b' p1 sThe Lancet Global Health 0 }3 N) b C( {# O) z
The Lancet Public Health / Q8 @" j! G# s3 w- R4 V
The Lancet Digital Health / P/ y1 n7 c, |1 k/ |8 f% H: r
The Lancet Infectious Diseases
' E; e% P$ U4 I- V7 MThe Lancet Haematology The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health 4 ^' W+ s% S0 q3 A6 K" W l6 k
The Lancet Rheumatology
% N( e8 |* }, nThe Lancet Microbe
8 t: f* @ J) q( ]" c
The Lancet HIV - q; ]6 l! @ C( Z4 a5 C# L( ~
The Lancet Psychiatry
- |- |) v" w# U& A- @& WThe Lancet Healthy Longevity
( Q/ Q" C0 D. | i! }/ ~The Lancet Planetary Health * P! M. n& M9 U% o" a0 k1 K* P6 r/ m
JAMA Oncology
; K! u7 I# \8 s9 M. U$ o/ q5 JJAMA Surgery 2 Z1 ]7 l9 }/ f& U
JAMA Cardiology
% }. J o0 g3 w3 m1 j4 t
JAMA Internal Medicine
( o4 t; W; o* i8 L; }6 g
JAMA Neurology
9 Z" e% a% P: R
JAMA Psychiatry
, g# A9 u% Q P, @! \! h. S uJAMA Ophthalmology 9 [0 l3 D% s) E, u+ U* ]: J" K3 E3 r( `
JAMA Pediatrics
1 o7 `! a/ Y- u5 RJAMA Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery 5 m- w% f2 E% T0 C4 Q8 D7 H9 t
JAMA Dermatology 5 }" E0 |4 Y0 Y! F9 H- [