发表于 2024-4-17 06:18:26
随便看看 发表于 2024-4-17 01:16
! p: G* z7 |" q% X" T像这种我觉得大概率是他手下的人做的实验 然后他挂通讯 他应该也是没有认真检查实验结果啥的 却是应该处 ...
% e ?9 n( q. }4 J一共六篇文章出问题: ~3 S* U* q# _& t0 ^- s% i$ e
9 j" M7 U" ^) K* J+ y% A
国家自然科学基金委员会监督委员会对山东大学王传新等发表的多篇论文涉嫌学术不端开展了调查,包括:$ r Y- L6 U" x, V. V8 ~/ k& Y- y8 T
$ }3 R9 F3 N$ B5 j+ P& w7 W& v0 y
论文1:Chuanxin Wang*, et al. Leptin-mediated regulation of MT1-MMP localization is KIF1B dependent and enhances gastric cancer cell invasion. Carcinogenesis, 2013,34(5):974-983. (标注基金号31270971、81072406、30672010)
% ^! S, m* Y. b
; S& t5 a* ~% R, U5 r' D" c. ^+ N 论文2:Chuanxin Wang*, et al. Exosome-transmitted miR-128-3p increase chemosensitivity of oxaliplatin-resistant colorectal cancer. Mol Cancer, 2019, 18(1):43.(标注基金号81472025、81772271)
& [# \8 E! ^4 d, s$ R6 B! l* [, g# D4 Y
论文3:Chuanxin Wang*, et al. MicroRNA-214 suppresses oncogenesis and exerts impact on prognosis by targeting PDRG1 in bladder cancer. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(2): e0118086.(标注基金号81271916)0 Q$ S6 _# y6 m- o
' X( I5 r, u* B! {8 R' K$ `
论文4:Chuanxin Wang*, et al. MiR-203 Suppresses ZNF217 Upregulation in Colorectal Cancer and Its Oncogenicity. PLoS ONE.2015, 10(1): e0116170.(标注基金号81072406、81271916、31270971、81301506)& C" |, t/ o9 o. V9 h5 X
- s! I: ^* d1 N4 D7 q- a2 n& w" G+ T
论文5:Chuanxin Wang*, et al. Hypoxia-Inducible MiR-210 Is an Independent Prognostic Factor and Contributes to Metastasis in Colorectal Cancer. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(3): e90952.(标注基金号81271916、81301506)
5 u) F, ?, b& h* {. W) g1 z4 R
. F- r" @6 U9 M3 p5 l9 J7 C 论文6:Chuanxin Wang*, et al. Aberrant CCR4 expression is involved in tumor invasion of lymph node-negative human gastric cancer. PLoS One, 2015, 10(3): e0120059. (标注基金号81271916、81301506): y( J4 v, t- [6 A3 Z
Z4 X& G5 t5 Q1 v0 o2 p0 | 经查,以上等论文存在图片使用混乱、实验原始数据(患者随访记录等)管理不规范的问题,通讯作者王传新等应对涉事论文存在的问题负责。此外,王传新将论文1、论文3和论文5列入基金项目(批准号81772271)申请书中,将论文1列入基金项目(批准号81472025)申请书中,将论文2列入基金项目(批准号82130067)申请书和基金项目(批准号81772271)结题报告中,将论文3列入基金项目(批准号81271916)进展报告和结题报告中,王传新还应对此问题负责。 |